What Are Some Funny Names to Call Friends

Top 20 funny nicknames for friends to lighten up the mood

Funny nicknames can make anyone roll with laughter. Give these cute pet names to your friends and show them that they mean the world to you.

Updated on Jun 14, 2022 03:27 PM IST  | 641.5K

Top 20 funny nicknames for friends to lighten up the mood

Top 20 funny nicknames for friends to lighten up the mood

We all love teasing our friends and lovers, don't we? One of the cutest ways to tease someone with love is by giving them funny nicknames. In fact, in India, most kids have a pet name. I have one too frankly speaking and as I grew up, my best friends started calling me by my nickname. They gave me many other nicknames too like 'Little Munchkin', 'Goofball', and so on.

We all have been there where we have chosen some cute hilarious nicknames for our friends, or maybe boyfriend/girlfriend. If you haven't yet come up with a cute nickname for your loved one, then don't tense at all because we have a huge list of fun nicknames for you in this article.

But before that, let us tell you what are funny nicknames and how you can make up cute fun nicknames for best friends.

What are funny nicknames?

A funny nickname is a name that induces happiness, joy, and laughter. In many countries such as India, when a child is born, his/her parents give the child a nickname based on how the child looks or behaves. Many pet names are gotten from books, the mannerism of a person, the appearance of a person, movies, or something really funny that the person with the nickname did in the past.

It is important to know that nicknames are not mean, so one should never try to hurt a friend or a loved one by giving them a nasty pet name. Now, let us know how we can come up with cute pet names for our friends, lovers, and family members.

How to come up with funny nicknames for your friends?

1. Look at their personality trait or physical characteristics

When deciding on a fun nickname for your friend, you should always think of a personality trait or a unique physical characteristic that defines him/her. As already mentioned earlier, focus on the positive qualities to give a good nickname and not negative ones. For example, if your friend is a genius, instead of giving a mean nickname like 'nerd', you can give them a cool fun pet name such as "Muse", or "Dexter" (the famous character of the 90s cartoon show 'Dexter's Laboratory).

In China, many celebrities are given nicknames based on their reputation or appearance. For example, Benedict Cumberbatch is called "Curly Blessing" because of his gorgeous, curly hair, and Kate Perry is called "Fruit Sister" because she usually chooses to wear vibrant and colorful costumes. So, you can do the same with your friends and generate a funny nickname for friends by looking at their physical characteristics or their unique personality trait.

2. Use names of fictional characters

You can get inspiration from books, songs, TV shows, movies, and web series to find a cool nickname for your friends and loved ones. For example, if your best friend is bubbly, charming, and very emotional, then you can name her "Bubbles" - from the famous cartoon 'The Powerpuff Girls.' The crux is that if your best friend acts like a character from any show, book, or movie, then you can call them by the name of that character. For example, I call my best friend 'Hermoine' (a character from the famous Harry Potter movie franchise) because she is super-cool, smart, intelligent, and a great friend who always lends her hand for help.

3. Take help of rhymes

If you are good at rhyming, then nothing can stop you from creating the best funny pet names for your friends. Just take your friend's name and find something that rhymes with it. For example, if your friend's name is Holly, you can call her Holly Jolly. Nicknames are supposed to be fun, so play with rhymes and make great pet names for your loved ones.

4. Combine the names

If you want to give a cute funny nickname to your favorite couple, then you can combine their names. For example, in the classic American series - "Friends", Monica and Chandler are called "Mondler".

You can create a nickname even for yourself by writing down different combinations of your first and last name.

5. Try different suffixes

This technique works great if you are planning to make hilarious nicknames for your friends/boyfriend/girlfriend. You can simply take the first syllable of your best friend's name and add a suffix to it. For instance, if your friend's name is Shannon, you can add something like 'Elle', and your friend can be called 'Shanelle'. Just play with the words and you will be able to find a great cute pet name for your friends.

6. Get help from inside jokes

There are so many jokes that are only known amongst best friends or a couple, and these are known as inside jokes. You can generate a cool, catchy nickname from one of these inside jokes, but make sure that it's not mean. All in all, it is really simple to create a nickname for your friend, girlfriend, boyfriend, and everybody else. You simply need to draw attention to the person's mannerisms and personality to come up with a name that evokes laughter.

Here are some cute funny nicknames for your best friend:

1. Buddy

This is a simple name to make your friend know that you are their best pal.

2. Minion

This is for a friend who is cute, bubbly, and always cheerful. You can also give this nickname to a friend who is obsessed with minions.


3. BFF

This one is very common and BFF stands for 'Best Friends Forever.'

4. Techie

This is for the friend who loves everything related to technology and is mostly found playing and experimenting with gadgets.

5. Coconut

Coconuts are hard on the outside but soft on the inside. So, you can give this nickname to your best friend who looks super tough from the outside but is very sweet, soft and caring from the inside.

6. Puzzle

Do you have a friend who is always ready to ask tons of questions? Or a friend who always has a big question mark on their face? If yes, then you can give them this cute nickname - 'Puzzle.'

7. Blossom

Adapted from the famous 90s cartoon show 'The Powerpuff Girls', you can give this name to your best female friend who has leadership qualities and a very nurturing nature.

8. Tickly Boo

This cute fun nickname is for those besties who are very ticklish and burst into laughter even at the slightest touch.

9. Cutie Munchkin

This is the perfect nickname for a friend who is cute, shy, and sweet-natured.

10. Dimples

This is for those friends who have beautiful dimples on their cheeks and you can't stop squishing them.

11. Kiddo

This is a great nickname for those friends who always keep their inner child alive, no matter how old they get.

12. Hulk

This is for a friend who is always ready to do all the tasks that require immense physical strength.

13. Couch Potato

Do you have a friend who loves binge-watching TV shows? If yes, then 'couch potato' is the perfect name for such a friend.

14. Nemo

We always have that one friend in the group who keeps getting lost in the crowd wherever we go. You can give the nickname 'Nemo' to your friend who cannot be left alone in crowded places.

15. Rolly Polly

This is a very cute nickname for your bestie. As the name suggests, rolly polly is for those friends who are full of joy, and laughter and love social gatherings.

16. Champ

I love calling a few of my friends 'Champ' because they always give the best advice and leave no stone unturned in making the best out of an opportunity. Whatever they do, they give their best efforts to that task, so for such friends, you can give them the nickname 'Champ.'

17. Sweet Candy

This is for those friends who have a sweet tooth and are always craving something sweet. Also, you will always find candies and chocolates in their bag, so 'Sweet candy' is a perfect cute pet name for such friends.

18. Sleeping Beauty

Do you have a bestie who loves to sleep? If yes, then 'sleeping beauty' is a perfect funny nickname for them.

19. Kitty Kat

This is one of the best funny nicknames for those friends who love cats and have their room decorated with cat-themed items.


20. Sunshine

This is one of the best funny nicknames for those who are lively, energetic, and full of life. Wherever they go, they spread happiness, so it is best to call them 'Sunshine.'

These were some of the great hilarious and sweet nicknames for best friends. Now, let us have a look at some of the great nicknames for boyfriends.

Best funny nicknames for boyfriends:

1. Chunky Winky

This is a cute fun nickname to give to your boyfriend if he is a cute goofball of energy.

2. Love Bug

This is for those boyfriends who always shower their girlfriends with love and happiness.

3. Charmy

This is a great nickname for a person who always makes his life partner feel loved by charming her in different ways.

4. Rockstar

Call your boyfriend a 'Rockstar' if he is enthusiastic, hard-working, and success-oriented.

5. Poppy Seed

This is for those people who always seem joyful and make everyone around them happy.

6. Honey Bun

Honeybun is a sweet name for a girl to call her boyfriend. It shows how sweet he is to her and always makes her feel happy.

7. Inky

If somebody's boyfriend has a knack for writing, then 'Inky' is a great nickname for him.

8. Mickey

This is an excellent nickname for your boyfriend - the name depicts the cuteness of your loved one.

9. Cuddly Cuddle

This is one of the best pet names for those boyfriends who love to cuddle.

10. Sugar Balls

This is for those people who are sweet as sugar. They are caring, loyal, understanding, and highly loving. Now that we have covered funny pet names for boyfriends, let us also have a look at a few cute nicknames for girlfriends.

Best funny nicknames for girlfriend:

1. Angel

Angel is the one who brings happiness to your life and who you consider a wonderful blessing in your life.

2. Cutie Pie

This is for girls who are cute, sweet, loving, and shy.

3. Pixie

This name is best suited for those who believe a lot in helping others. They make you believe in fairy tales, and so pixie is a great cute nickname for a girlfriend who is like a fairy.

4. Rainbow

This is for those girls who bring positivity into your life. This is a great nickname for girlfriends who are vibrant and full of energy.

5. Love Pie

This is for the one who always stands by your side, and never leaves you alone.

6. Queen Bee

This is the best name for a girlfriend as she is a queen of your heart.

7. Cutie Panda

In many cultures, the panda is considered a symbol of luck, peace, love, and affection. It is a wonderful nickname for your girl.

8. Bambi

If your girl is quiet, shy, and an introvert, then this is the perfect cute nickname for her.

9. Pumpkin Pie

This is one of the best funny nicknames for a girlfriend who is endearing and cute.

10. Barbie

This is another funny nickname for your girlfriend who looks ravishing as a Barbie doll.

Nicknames are supposed to be fun and cute. Use these funny nicknames for your friends and loved ones and make your life filled with laughter.

Also Read: Love Matters: A guide to meeting the love of your life


Source: https://www.pinkvilla.com/lifestyle/people/funny-nicknames-1131664

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