Javascript Counter to Continue Despite Reloading Page

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Abdi Ahmed

how to stop JavaScript window reloading when each time button is on a page.

Hi guys,

just trying to fix the an issue with my code in JS, basically I'm creating a simple hot or cold app that generates a random number and the user has to guess the number. The user is allowed as many guesses as they need to guess the correct number. My problem is that each time the button is clicked to enter a number, the page reloads and generates a new random number. I had it working fine, but mysteriously this bug has come about. Here is the code for JS - I think the problem is coming from the processGuess method in the controller object but I'm not sure how to fix it:

                                                  var                  globalValue                  ;                                                  var                  view                  =                  {                                                                                  displayMessage                  :                  function                  (                  msg                  ,                  count                  )                  {                                                                                  var                  messageArea                  =                  document                  .                  getElementById                  (                  "feedback"                  );                                                  messageArea                  .                  innerHTML                  =                  msg                  ;                                                                                  }                                                                                  };                                                                                  function                  generateRandomNumber                  (){                                                                                  var                  randomNumber                  =                  Math                  .                  floor                  (                  Math                  .                  random                  ()                  *                  101                  );                                                  return                  randomNumber                  ;                                                  }                                                                                  var                  generatedNumber                  =                  generateRandomNumber                  ();                                                  console                  .                  log                  (                  generatedNumber                  );                                                                                                                                                  var                  controller                  =                  {                                                                                  guesses                  :                  0                  ,                                                                                  processGuess                  :                  function                  (                  guess                  )                  {                                                                                  var                  diff                  =                  Math                  .                  abs                  (                  generatedNumber                  -                  guess                  );                                                                                                                  if                  (                  guess                  <=                  0                  ||                  guess                  >=                  101                  )                  {                                                                                  alert                  (                  "Oops, please enter a number between 1 & 100"                  );                                                                                  }                  else                  if                  (                  diff                  >=                  50                  ){                                                  view                  .                  displayMessage                  (                  "Ice cold"                  );                                                                                  }                  else                  if                  (                  diff                  >=                  30                  &&                  diff                  <                  50                  ){                                                  view                  .                  displayMessage                  (                  "Cold"                  );                                                                                  }                  else                  if                  (                  diff                  >=                  20                  &&                  diff                  <                  30                  ){                                                  view                  .                  displayMessage                  (                  "Warm"                  );                                                                                  }                  else                  if                  (                  diff                  >=                  10                  &&                  diff                  <                  20                  ){                                                  view                  .                  displayMessage                  (                  "Hot"                  );                                                                                  }                  else                  if                  (                  diff                  >=                  1                  &&                  diff                  <                  10                  ){                                                  view                  .                  displayMessage                  (                  "Very hot"                  );                                                                                  }                                                                                  this                  .                  guesses                  ++                  ;                                                                                  return                  null                  ;                                                  }                                                  }                                                                                                                  function                  init                  ()                  {                                                                                  /*--- Display information modal box ---*/                                                  $                  (                  ".what"                  ).                  click                  (                  function                  (){                                                  $                  (                  ".overlay"                  ).                  fadeIn                  (                  1000                  );                                                  // $(".overlay").show();                                                                                  });                                                                                  /*--- Hide information modal box ---*/                                                  $                  (                  "a.close"                  ).                  click                  (                  function                  (){                                                  $                  (                  ".overlay"                  ).                  fadeOut                  (                  1000                  );                                                  // $(".overlay").hide();                                                  });                                                                                                                  var                  fireButton                  =                  document                  .                  getElementById                  (                  "guessButton"                  );                                                  fireButton                  .                  onclick                  =                  handleFireButton                  ;                                                  var                  guessInput                  =                  document                  .                  getElementById                  (                  "userGuess"                  );                                                  guessInput                  .                  onkeypress                  =                  handleKeyPress                  ;                                                                                                                  }                                                                                                                  function                  handleFireButton                  ()                  {                                                  var                  guessInput                  =                  document                  .                  getElementById                  (                  "userGuess"                  );                                                  // var guess = parseInt(guessInput.value);                                                                    var                  globalValue                  =                  parseInt                  (                  guessInput                  .                  value                  );                                                  controller                  .                  processGuess                  (                  globalValue                  );                                                                                  guessInput                  .                  value                  =                  ""                  ;                                                                                  }                                                                                  function                  handleKeyPress                  (                  e                  )                  {                                                  var                  fireButton                  =                  document                  .                  getElementById                  (                  "guessButton"                  );                                                  if                  (                  e                  .                  keyCode                  ===                  13                  )                  {                                                                                  fireButton                  .                  click                  ();                                                  return                  false                  ;                                                  }                                                                                  }                                                                                                                  window                  .                  onload                  =                  init                  ;                              

And here's the HTML:

                                                  <!DOCTYPE html>                                                  <                  html                  lang                  =                  "en"                  >                                                  <                  head                  >                                                                                  <                  title                  >Hot || Cold</                  title                  >                                                                                  <!-- Meta Tags -->                                                  <                  meta                  charset                  =                  "utf-8"                  />                                                                                  <!-- Stylesheets -->                                                  <                  link                  rel                  =                  "stylesheet"                  href                  =                  "styles/reset.css"                  >                                                  <                  link                  href                  =                  ',700,900,900italic'                  rel                  =                  'stylesheet'                  type                  =                  'text/css'                  >                                                  <                  link                  rel                  =                  "stylesheet"                  href                  =                  "styles/style.css"                  />                                                                                  <!-- JavaScript -->                                                                                                                  </                  head                  >                                                  <                  body                  >                                                                                  <                  header                  >                  <!--Header -->                                                                                  <!-- Top Navigation -->                                                  <                  nav                  >                                                  <                  ul                  class                  =                  "clearfix"                  >                                                  <                  li                  ><                  a                  class                  =                  "what"                  href                  =                  "#"                  >What ?</                  a                  ></                  li                  >                                                  <                  li                  ><                  a                  class                  =                  "new"                  href                  =                  "#"                  >+ New Game</                  a                  ></                  li                  >                                                  </                  ul                  >                                                  </                  nav                  >                                                                                  <!-- Modal Information Box -->                                                  <                  div                  class                  =                  "overlay"                  id                  =                  "modal"                  >                                                  <                  div                  class                  =                  "content"                  >                                                  <                  h3                  >What do I do?</                  h3                  >                                                  <                  div                  >                                                  <                  p                  >This is a Hot or Cold Number Guessing Game. The game goes like this:                  </                  p                  >                                                  <                  ul                  >                                                  <                  li                  >1. I pick a                  <                  strong                  >random secret number</                  strong                  >                  between 1 to 100 and keep it hidden.</                  li                  >                                                  <                  li                  >2. You need to                  <                  strong                  >guess</                  strong                  >                  until you can find the hidden secret number.</                  li                  >                                                  <                  li                  >3. You will                  <                  strong                  >get feedback</                  strong                  >                  on how close ("hot") or far ("cold") your guess is.</                  li                  >                                                  </                  ul                  >                                                  <                  p                  >So, Are you ready?</                  p                  >                                                  <                  a                  class                  =                  "close"                  href                  =                  "#"                  >Got It!</                  a                  >                                                  </                  div                  >                                                  </                  div                  >                                                  </                  div                  >                                                                                  <!-- logo text -->                                                  <                  h1                  >HOT or COLD</                  h1                  >                                                                                  </                  header                  >                                                                                  <                  section                  class                  =                  "game"                  >                  <!-- Guessing Section -->                                                                                  <                  h2                  id                  =                  "feedback"                  >Make your Guess!</                  h2                  >                                                                                  <                  form                  >                                                  <                  input                  type                  =                  "text"                  name                  =                  "userGuess"                  id                  =                  "userGuess"                  class                  =                  "text"                  maxlength                  =                  "3"                  autocomplete                  =                  "off"                  placeholder                  =                  "Enter your Guess"                  />                                                  <                  input                  type                  =                  "submit"                  id                  =                  "guessButton"                  class                  =                  "button"                  name                  =                  "submit"                  value                  =                  "Guess"                  />                                                  </                  form                  >                                                                                  <                  p                  >Guess #<                  span                  id                  =                  "count"                  >0</                  span                  >!</                  p                  >                                                                                  <                  ul                  id                  =                  "guessList"                  class                  =                  "guessBox clearfix"                  >                                                                                  </                  ul                  >                                                                                  </                  section                  >                                                  <                  script                  src                  =                  ""                  ></                  script                  >                                                  <                  script                  type                  =                  "text/javascript"                  src                  =                  "js/app1.js"                  ></                  script                  >                                                  </                  body                  >                                                  </                  html                  >                              

Many thanks

2 Answers

Petros Sordinas

Hi Abdi,

The problem is that you are using a input of type submit for your "Guess" button. The HTML thinks you want to send the form data to a server for processing so it refreshes.

Either change the guessbutton to a button element or change your button click handler to this:

                                                        document                    .                    getElementById                    (                    "guessButton"                    ).                    addEventListener                    (                    "click"                    ,                    function                    (                    event                    ){                                                        event                    .                    preventDefault                    ();                                                        handleFireButton                    ();                                                        });                                  

The event.preventDefault() function will prevent the browser from performing the default action on the submit button, i.e. it will prevent it from submitting the form and will proceed to the next line, calling your function.

Hope this makes sense.

Abdi Ahmed

Thank you Petros! That makes a lot of sense and it has solved my issue. Thank you for taking the time to help me I really appreciate!



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